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Personal Injury Info - Dog Bites, Motorcycle Accidents, Slip and Fall Injury


6 Common Causes of Dog Bite Attacks

Posted on: February 16th, 2025

Dogs are typically very loving and friendly animals. But even the sweetest dogs can potentially be provoked to bite someone in specific situations. The reality is most dog bite attacks don’t come out of nowhere. There are usually warning signs, as well as common circumstances that provoke a dog.

Whether you’re a dog owner, someone who is regularly around dogs, or someone who is unfamiliar with dogs and their behavior, it’s important to understand the common causes of dog bites. This knowledge can help you avoid a potentially serious dog bite attack.


scared dog that might attackFear is one of the most common reasons a dog may bite someone. When dogs feel threatened, it may cause them to lash out in aggression. This is largely a self defense mechanism, but the end result is often the same – a devastating dog bite injury.

Dogs may become fearful if someone encroaches on their personal space or if they feel cornered. They may also be afraid when they are around someone who is unfamiliar, which is why many postal workers and delivery drivers are victims of dog bite attacks.

When you approach a dog that doesn’t know you, always make sure it has an escape route so that it can retreat if it feels scared. It’s also good to be able to identify signs of fear in dogs, such as cowering, trembling or attempting to retreat, so that you can give the dog space and de-escalate a potentially dangerous situation before the dog attacks.


Many dogs are instinctually very protective of their possessions and their territory. While their home and their master are the most common possessions a dog will guard fiercely, they commonly become protective of a variety of other items as well, including their:

Bothering a dog while it is eating or trying to take a toy, bed or other possession from a dog you don’t know well can often provoke the dog to bite.


Pain or illness can be scary, stressful and frustrating for dogs, so it should come as no surprise that dogs are more prone to aggression when they’re in pain. Dogs generally want to be left alone and have their space when they’re in pain, so be careful when trying to help a dog you don’t know well. Your good intentions may place you in harms way, making you susceptible to a dog bite. If you see a dog growl or whine when you try to help them, it’s best to change course and leave the dog alone – especially if they seem like they’re in pain.

Keep in mind that elderly dogs often deal with chronic illnesses such as periodontal disease or hip dysplasia. These conditions can be quite painful so even though a dog is elderly, they may still be prone to bite if they’re sick.


Dogs are playful animals and while they’re generally not intending to be aggressive, it’s still possible for a dog bite to occur when they’re engaged in play. Light biting is very common when a dog is playing, and it’s possible for a dog to get overly rambunctious and bite a little too hard or for their teeth to slip and inflict a puncture wound. Always be careful when playing with a dog that engages in light biting, as this can turn into a serious injury at a moment’s notice.


Even the kindest, gentlest dogs have their limits when they’re provoked. Actions such as pulling their tail or ears, engaging them in rough play or startling them from behind can cause a dog to lash out and bite. This is a common cause of dog bites among children since many kids aren’t aware that these behaviors may cause a dog to become aggressive.

Protective or Predatory Aggression

Denver dog bite lawyerDogs are very protective of other members of their pack. This may include the dog’s owner and other family members, as well as the dog’s own puppies. Dogs may resort to aggression and attack someone they believe is threatening a member of their pack.

Dogs are also predatory animals by nature, and they have a drive to stalk, chase or hunt their “prey.” While these behaviors vary by breed, some types of dogs may exhibit considerable aggression when they’re around someone that they view as prey.

Who Is Responsible When a Dog Bites?

Even when you’re aware of these common scenarios that may cause a dog to bite, it’s still possible to miss some of the warning signs that a dog is about to become aggressive. While you should always take precautions to avoid situations that may result in a dog bite, it’s important to understand that ultimately the dog’s owner is responsible for your injuries in a dog bite attack.

Colorado dog bite laws establish strict liability in dog bite attacks. This means that with very few exceptions, you’re entitled to recover compensation from the dog’s owner for any injuries you incur when you’re bitten by a dog. With these strict liability laws, you don’t have to prove the dog’s owner was negligent or that the dog has a history of aggression. The owner will be responsible for your damages even if this is the first time their dog has bitten someone.

Pushchak Law Can Help After a Dog Bite

While Colorado’s strict liability laws entitle you to compensation for your dog bite injuries, the amount of compensation you receive will vary based on a variety of factors, including the skill and experience of your dog bite attorney. At Pushchak Law, we’ve made dog bite cases a primary focus of our process, and this specialization will give you the edge you need to maximize your compensation.

Brian Pushchak has developed a unique Informed Decisions™ Approach focused on helping you get the best possible outcome for your case. This collaborative approach helps Mr. Pushchak better understand your goals so he can recommend the best strategy to achieve your desired outcome. He’ll explain all your options in detail and answer any questions you may have so that you’ll be armed with the knowledge necessary to take a proactive role in the process.

Mr. Pushchak is committed to delivering the highly personalized attention you deserve. You’ll receive his personal contact information, and he will be available anytime to answer questions or provide a status update on your case. But the best part about our Informed Decisions™ Approach is that it keeps you in control of the entire process. While Mr. Pushchak will explain his recommended strategy for how to best handle your case, you will always have the final say on the tactics used and the decisions we make.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. Pushchak Law serves clients in Denver and the surrounding areas.

Brian Pushchak | Personal Injury Law Firm Denver, CO
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