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Personal Injury Info - Dog Bites, Motorcycle Accidents, Slip and Fall Injury


How to Report a Dog Bite Attack in Colorado

Posted on: June 20th, 2023

If you’ve been attacked by a dog in Colorado, you’re required to report the incident to animal control. The report must be filed regardless of whether you’ve been seriously injured. This step is important because it allows your local animal control agency to track any dogs in the area which may potentially be dangerous. In addition, reporting the dog bite attack can provide important documentation in the event that you decided to file a dog bite lawsuit to recover compensation for your injuries.

Dog bite attacks can be extremely painful and result in serious injuries as well as psychological trauma. Due to Colorado’s strict liability law in dog bite cases, you’re entitled to recover compensation for your damages even if the dog’s owner wasn’t negligent. If you decide to file a claim, Pushchak Law will make sure your rights are protected every step of the way and work tirelessly to maximize the value of your compensation.

Regardless of your decision to file a claim, it’s important that you comply with the requirement of reporting the attack to animal control. The following information will help you understand the process for filing this report.

Why Do I Need to File a Report with Animal Control After a Dog Bite Attack?

filing a dog bite attack report with animal control in DenverIt’s common for dog bite victims to be hesitant to file a report with animal control after the attack. This is certainly understandable. Colorado is one of the most dog friendly states in the country, and many Denver area residents are either dog owners or dog lovers who wouldn’t want to create problems for another person’s dog. If you know the dog’s owner, the desire to avoid reporting the incident often becomes even stronger.

However, there are several important reasons why dog bite victims are required to report the incident to animal control:

How to File a Dog Bite Report in Denver

If you suffered a serious injury in the dog bite attack, you should call 911 and seek emergency medical attention immediately. Attending to your injuries should be your primary concern and your first focus after the attack. Once you’ve received medical attention, you can then take the steps necessary to file a report with animal control.

Colorado dog bite laws require the pet’s owner and the victim to report dog bites that break the skin to animal control within 12 hours of the attack. The report should be made with the animal control agency in the county where the bite occurred.

If you’re injured in a dog bite attack in Denver, you should call Denver Animal Protection at (720) 913-1311 to file a report. You can also file your report online through the Denver animal protection website. When filing the report, you will need to provide the following details about the incident:

What Happens After the Report Is Filed?

dog quarantined after a dog bite report is filedAfter the dog attack has been reported, the dog will be required to complete a 10-day quarantine to ensure it doesn’t have rabies. This is required as a precaution even if the dog’s owner can show proof of vaccination. The quarantine can be completed at the dog’s home, the Denver Animal Shelter, or a local animal hospital.

If the investigation conducted by animal control determines that the dog should be considered dangerous, the dog’s owner may be required to take additional precautions in the future to prevent additional attacks. These precautions may include using a muzzle when the dog is in public and registering the animal with the state’s dangerous dog directory. While it is extremely rare for dogs to be surrendered and put down after an attack in Colorado, this may be required in severe cases.

Pushchak Law Can Help You Recover Compensation After a Dog Bite

Colorado’s strict liability laws make dog owners responsible for your injuries in a dog bite attack, even if they didn’t act negligently. With rare exceptions, you will be entitled to recover compensation for your damages after a dog bite attack, including:

At Pushchak Law, we’ve made dog bite cases a primary focus of our practice. This specialization gives Mr. Pushchak a more sophisticated understanding of the issues associated with these cases than is possessed by attorneys who don’t typically handle many dog bite lawsuits. His extensive knowledge of dog bite law will give you the edge you need to maximize the value of your compensation.

You’ll benefit from Mr. Pushchak’s unique Informed Decisions™ Approach focused on helping you get the best possible outcome. This approach ensures you remain in control of the process throughout every step of your case. Mr. Pushchak will discuss your case with you in detail to understand what happened and identify your goals for the outcome of the case. He’ll explain your legal rights and options, giving you an opportunity to ask any questions you may have. While he’ll recommend the best strategy to achieve your desired outcome, you will always have final say on how the case proceeds.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. Pushchak Law serves clients in Denver and the surrounding areas of Colorado.

Brian Pushchak | Personal Injury Law Firm Denver, CO
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