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Uninsured Motorists

Uninsured Motorists

The State of Colorado requires that every owner of a passenger vehicle have at least $25,000 in bodily injury liability insurance coverage. Despite this law, many drivers do not have car insurance and are therefore considered “Uninsured Motorists.”

In other cases, a driver who caused an accident may have the required amount of insurance but may not have enough coverage to pay for all of the injuries caused in the accident. This is considered “under-insured.”

What can I do if I’m hit by an uninsured motorist?

If the driver who is at-fault doesn’t have insurance, or enough insurance, there is still a way to obtain compensation for your injuries. In the State of Colorado, insurance companies are required to provide Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Insurance (UM/UIM) as part of every policy, unless the coverage is specifically refused in writing. Therefore, a majority of insured persons in Colorado have this coverage, which provides coverage to you and your passengers in the event that you are injured in an accident and the at-fault driver was an uninsured or under-insured driver. This coverage even extends to a pedestrian hit by an uninsured driver. The personal injury attorneys at Pushchak Law Firm are very experienced in dealing with uninsured motorist claims.

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